About Me

I am a software engineer currently at Microsoft with 4+ years of frontend and backend experience. My personal published app, Triage Simulator, has gotten 150+ acquisitions from 25+ countries on the Windows App Store. I graduated with a Master's and Bachelor's in Computer Science at Southern Adventist University in May of 2021.

Scroll down to see some of my latest projects!

Triage Simulator

  • Published a Windows App Store application that trains medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic, achieving 150+ acquisitions from 25+ countries
  • Developed a UI that guides users through 3D training scenarios, including 8+ animations that simulate realistic medical symptoms
  • Programmed 70+ unique training scenarios by using a randomization algorithm
  • Designed a login system that authenticates users and saves individual training scores using Firebase
  • Utilized: C#, Unity, 3D Animations/Rigging, Firebase
  • App Store

    Real-Time LED Image Displayer

  • Established 5+ REST API endpoints that manages uploaded images on a 32x32 LED display by running a Flask server on a Raspberry PI
  • Designed an iOS, Android, and web app that controls each endpoint and image using Flutter and HTML
  • Integrated an IR receiver onto the PI GPIO pins and mapped IR remote codes that allow remote control of different images on the LED display
  • Utilized: Flutter, Python (Flask), IR remote coding, Rest APIs
  • Code

    YeetPost Mobile

  • Developed an iOS and Android location-based, social media application that removes messages with cyberbullying with machine learning
  • Integrated NoSQL database that syncs messages across mobile devices in real-time
  • Trained a neural network on 13,000 labeled cyberbullying/non-cyberbullying messages to achieve an optimized, cyberbullying message detection rate of 91.4% (2,600 sized testing set)
  • Utilized: TensorFlow (Python), Flutter (Dart), Firebase
  • Code

    Muscle Sensor LED Display

  • Designed and printed a custom, battery-powered PCB, using Eagle, that reads EMG (electromyography) signals from surface electrodes on the Myoware Muscle Sensor
  • Leveraged the Atmega164p's JTAG interface and ADC to process analog, EMG signals and bit-banged the EMG values onto a 32x32, 1:8 scan rate, LED display
  • Utilized: Schematic/PCB design (Eagle), Simple C programming (Atmel Studio), JTAG interface
  • Code

    Contact Me

    Email: jonbat@live.com